Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cents of Style

Sherri had a Cents of Style party at her house. She had a good turn out and we had a lot of fun. M. L. was there and practicing on her walking skills. She is really looking cute. She is playing her fish face. I wish that I could have gotten a picture of that, she really reminds me of L her sister. L and C were at K.s house playing with their cousins.

There was cute necklases, bracelets and ear rings. Very nice and affordable. Everyone seemed to be having fun.

There was fancy purses, belts and shoes galore. Everyone found something to interest them.

Corin looked and looked and finally she founda really cute belt.

Katie found a cute pink purse and beautiful blue shoes. She has amazingly small feet.


Sherri Harward said...

That was a fun party. I was happy with the turn out and I enjoyed trying stuff on. There was some cute stuff.

Alright Mom. Since you took a little while getting the blog going it is your turn now to be tag. I man tag you.

The rules are once you've been tagged you write down 10 random and weird things, facts, or habits about yourself and at the end you choose five people to be tagged.

Well for this tag you just answer the questions that I give you and you can omit the tags at the end because Sarah and I have already done this tag.

Well have fun. I will be excited to read it.

How long have you been married? How long did you date?
Who eats more sweets?
Who said I love you first?
How old is he?
Who is taller?
Who is smarter?
Who can sing better?
Who does the laundry?
Who pays the bills?
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Who mows the lawn?
Who cooks dinner?
Who drives?
Who is more stubborn?
Who kissed who first?
Who asked who out?
Who proposed?
Who has more siblings?
Who wears the pants?

Grandma G said...

Okay, so you have me. I will do in on a regular post.