Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kyle's wedding Part 2

The wedding took place in the Rexburg Temple. It was really beautiful. It is also a very busy place. There were several weddings that took place while we were there. We were all bunched up and trying to find places to take pictures.

Grandma and Grandpa H. stayed with Uncle Terry and Aunt Elenor. All showed up and were able to enjoy the wedding.

Wanted to say a big thank you to Uncle Terry and Aunt Elenor for helping at the luncheon. They washed, dryed and put away all the dishes. Thanks so much you are great.

Grandma and Grandpa hoping that the newly weds will hurry and come out so that they can find a place to sit down and take a load off.

The happy family showing off. Wow Leslie you really have beautiful daughters. I know where they got their good looks from.
James showed up with his cameras. He did a great job as always in the picture taking department. His whole family gets into it.

Waterfall Rush

I wanted to share some video of the river (wish I could remember the name) that we hiked to . It is amazing how calming the sound of the water can be. I wish we would have had more time to spen there.

Kyle's wedding Part 1

I never got a round to sharing Kyle's wedding. I had a great time with my family. We started by a trip to Island Park. We spend a few minutes at the cabin to sit in the hammock. We went up to take groceries for Kyle's and Stacy's honnymoon.

On the way home we stopped by ______, can't remember the name, but it was beautiful. Had a great time.
It was so beautiful to stand by this river. Wow. Kelsey and Rachael had fun taking picture after picture. I was able to get them to stop a bit so I could catch their image.

You can't imagine the majasty of this sight. I just stood at the rim and watched the millions of gallons of water rush down this waterfall. Mist filtered up up and filled the air. The clift on the other side was so green and lush. God's creations are so overwhelming.

Okay, so I really hate my picture to be taken. So I carry around the camera and have everyone else pose ;o). There is a method to my maddness. There are times though (and I try to hid behind someone else) that I have to get my picture taken so that you will know that yes I was really there. I don't always just borrow pictures from other sites. I really had a great time. It was short but well worth the time.

Flying High

Well I got tired of looking at the Toastmasters pictures, just as much as every one else.

So "borrowed" some pictures and decided to share.

So Lester gets the oportunity to show off his"stuff" on his trip to Lake Powell.

Thanks Jane, I borrowed these pictures off your site. It really helps to get the pictures from you. If I counted on Lester to show me some I would never see any.

Hey even the oportunity to surf without an ocean. Soooooo, do you think that you can so the same thing in the ocean with a real wave.

Back on the board again. Are you getting ready to do a flip?????

No not yet I guess. Just working on jumping those waves.

Well Guess he decided to take the easy way out.

Can you really hold your on on the fancy tube

There is that flip that we were looking for earlier.
Not quite as pretty as we thought.
But hey, you sure got some air.