Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kyle's wedding Part 1

I never got a round to sharing Kyle's wedding. I had a great time with my family. We started by a trip to Island Park. We spend a few minutes at the cabin to sit in the hammock. We went up to take groceries for Kyle's and Stacy's honnymoon.

On the way home we stopped by ______, can't remember the name, but it was beautiful. Had a great time.
It was so beautiful to stand by this river. Wow. Kelsey and Rachael had fun taking picture after picture. I was able to get them to stop a bit so I could catch their image.

You can't imagine the majasty of this sight. I just stood at the rim and watched the millions of gallons of water rush down this waterfall. Mist filtered up up and filled the air. The clift on the other side was so green and lush. God's creations are so overwhelming.

Okay, so I really hate my picture to be taken. So I carry around the camera and have everyone else pose ;o). There is a method to my maddness. There are times though (and I try to hid behind someone else) that I have to get my picture taken so that you will know that yes I was really there. I don't always just borrow pictures from other sites. I really had a great time. It was short but well worth the time.


Sherri Harward said...

You look good in that picture mom. It looks like you enjoyed yourself out there.

Mom I know you can blog about other stuff though. You have the pictures from the fair, how about that. My pictures didn't record onto the computer right so I lost all the ones that I had from the fair.

Anonymous said...

Oh, pine trees. Crisp, lush, cool mountains. Raging rivers and rippling streams. I never really had a strong position as far as where I wanted to live the rest of my life, but now I know I do. I'm dead set on it, too. And I mean it. ;)