Saturday, June 28, 2008

Arrow Rock Dam

The second part of the day we took a very, very long ride with the Dogs over wash board roads up past Arrow Rock Dam. The dogs were so excited to get out of the van and have some time running around. So many great smells to smell. Much different from home.

There Dad taught Monster Dog Mortamer to Swim. Yes, yes—Dad had to get wet in order to coax Mortamer out.

Mortamers favorite thing was to chew on the water. He just couldn't figure out how come something that he could feel would keep moving everything he tried to bite it. It was great fun to watch.

Suzzy hid under the van where it was cool and away from the water. All in all it was a great day.

Finally Mortamer learned to swim and then to fetch, all in one day. Dad had a cool swim and froze all the way home. Great job Dad, you taught him so much in one day, and we had a great time doing it. It will even be more fun on our camping trip. I think that we will be camping next to a large river. Mortemer will have great fun doing a lot of swimming, and we will have fun throwing sticks in the water for Mortemer to swim after. Looking forward to it. Hopefully some of the kids can come up and visit with us.

1 comment:

Sherri Harward said...

Wow that sounded like fun. I am jealous. I have just been staying home a lot not doin much while doug has been working his tail off. This week was another extremely busy one for him.

He worked his security job on Thursday night. Got up and thought he was going to an interview for the Nampa police dept but all it was, was the entire staff and possible staff coming together and having to write personal biographies about themselves. We had thought that he was going to be finding out if he was able to be a reserve officer but now we still don't know.

Next he had two deliveries and rushed home to get to his security job again. Then he woke up early(8:15) to go check out a motorcycle he saw on craigslist. It was horrible and then had two umpiring jobs. Then he came home with just enough time to rest for and hour before having to do his security job again which will continue each night until monday night. He will have two nights off and gets to work Thursday and July 4th. Yes I am not very happy about it but he says that he has too.

Anyways next time you do an excursion like that maybe I could come a long too. I get bored here.