Sunday, June 22, 2008

More pictures of the afgan. Took lots and lots of work, so I thought I would show it a few times.

This is Great Grandpa H day after he got home. He sure looks a lot better now. I will have to get a picture and show how he looks now. He is getting around well, better endurance, and has lost some weight. He is being really good at is diet and trying to improve his heart health.


Anonymous said...

We are SO EXCITED you are on the blog scene again. It is so fun for us to see how much everyone (well, the grandkids), have changed. Keep up the good work. WE appreciate your comments too. Its nice to know a few people are checking us out. And thanks for the lovely compliment. This blogging stuff has given me the opportunity to delve a little into something I enjoy--writing. I hope you get as much of a kick out of it as we do!

Sherri Harward said...

Dido on the last comment. I am so excited for you mom. I is nice to see or read new information about you that we just don't get around talking about.

You know grandpa was so lucky to be doing well and through such a hard surgery. It makes me think of the things you have told me about grandpas pachriarical blessing( pretty sure that it is not spelled right). He must be ment to stay a while longer.